IDFPR Announces Approval of Permanent Rules for Conditional Adult-Use Illinois Cannabis Dispensary Licenses Tie-breaking Process
IDFPR Announces Approval of Permanent Rules for Conditional Adult Use Cannabis Dispensary Licenses Tiebreaking Process
August 2020:
In a major development with Illinois cannabis dispensary licenses, it looks like the tie-breaking process rules for the dispensary licenses were approved earlier than the administration expected.
The Tie Breaker Process Detailed in the PDF published by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, describes the ability to move forward with awarding the 75 conditional adult-use cannabis dispensary licenses that were authorized by the 2019 Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act.
As a result, dispensary licenses may come out before the end of September, 2020, with craft-grow, infusion and transportation licenses likely to follow shortly after, as confirmed by the Pritzker Administration.
The exact timeline is not 100% certain, but things seem to be moving forward in light of this announcement. This is likely to be providing a sense of relief for social equity applicants who have been hemorrhaging cash during the delay reportedly caused by COVID-19.
While not a done deal, the state appears to be working to expedite the process ahead of previous speculations, so check back here for updates on this ongoing development – and best of luck to all who applied!

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