Infused Gravy: Feast Your Eyes on This Tasty Cannabis Recipe

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The perfect excuse to celebrate Thanksgiving or any day of the year.
Stretching the gravy with box chicken broth or a jar just lacked the intense turkey flavor we all loved to smother our potatoes in.
To be honest, I always tossed the bag of “parts” that came in my turkey before he went in the oven, and now I can’t wait to start my infused gravy broth up.
I am sure you could attempt this with a turkey leg or wings often sold fresh during the holiday season if you can’t bear to use the neck.
To elevate the adult meal this year and give thanks for all that medical cannabis has done for us, I revised my ultimate turkey and cannabis-infused gravy recipe.
The easiest way to “infuse” any recipe is to replace a specific amount of fat or butter with the cannabis-infused equivalent.
For this recipe, I recommend starting with 3 tablespoons and not more than 4, equal to a ¼ cup of infused “cannabis butter.”
Infusing foods are meant to supplement your dining experience rather than send your guests into couch lock. You risk losing the flavor of the food when adding too much cannabis as well.
When using homemade cannabutter, be sure to “test” them out first to understand their strength.
Here’s What You’ll Need For Your Infused Gravy
- 1 Tbsp Olive Oil
- Turkey Giblets & Neck
- 1 Chopped Onion
- 1 1/2 Quarts Turkey or Chicken Stock
- 1/2 Tsp Thyme
- 1 Tsp Parsley
- 3 Tbsp Infused Cannabis Butter
- 1/4 Cup Flour
- 1 Cup Dry White Wine or Additional Broth
- Salt and Pepper for Taste
Need Equipment or Ingredients?
Ingredients for cannabis infused gravy
Extra Virgin Olive OilOrganic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Onion (Yellow)Onion (yellow)
Chicken StockChicken Stock
Turkey StockTurkey Stock
ThymeOrganic Thyme
Italian ParsleyOrganic Italian Parsley
Unsalted ButterUnsalted Butter
All Purpose FlourAll Purpose Flour
White Cooking WineWhite Cooking Wine
Salt and Pepper ShakersSalt & Pepper Shakers
Measuring SpoonsStainless Steel Measuring Spoons
Measuring CupsMeasuring Cups
Pyrex Measuring CupPyrex Measuring Cup
Saucepan With CoverSaucepan With Cover
What if you don’t have cannabutter? Melting 3-4 Tbsp of butter and stirring in full extract cannabis oil (FECO or RSO) is a great way to add cannabinoids too.
You can choose to add CBD, THC, or your own ratio. Basically, any infused oil or extract with a neutral flavor can be mixed in to create a butter or fat replacement.
The benefit of doing this is knowing exactly the milligrams of cannabinoids.
Directions for Cannabis Infused Gravy
STEP 1 – Heating
Heat oil and sauté giblets, neck, and onion until fragrant for about 10 minutes. Reduce heat to low heat and cover pan. Cook until juices release for about 20 min.
STEP 2 -Defatting
Add any de-fatted turkey stock or drippings from roasting your bird, if available, along with additional broth needed to make 1 ½ quart.
STEP 3 – Herbs
Add in fresh or dried herbs. Simmer all until flavorful. The longer the simmer the richer the flavor of the infused gravy will be.
This process can be started a day ahead.
STEP 4 – Straining
Strain the broth. You should end up with about 5 cups.
STEP 5 – Heating
Heat the infused butter over medium-low heat. Vigorously whisk in flour or GF flour blend (roux will froth and thin again) and cook slowly.
Whisk in the hot strained broth. Heat and simmer until thickened for about 30 minutes.
STEP 6 – Seasoning
Adjust seasonings, adding salt and pepper to taste. Once satisfied, you are all set!
Remember that everyone reacts differently to “edibles”. It’s best to have a very low dose of THC involved in planning a meal.
Plan your event when there is no chance of children mistakenly being around the foods and enjoy your Infused Gravy!
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